Thursday, 6 November 2014


What is meant by Abstract data type (ADT)?
  • Abstract Data Type (ADT) is a set of objects performing set of operations.
  • Here the implementations of operations are independent.
  • The operations performed on data are similar to mathematical operations.
Concept behind Abstract Data Type:
  • The implementation of operations written on one part of the program can be used from the other part of that same program just by calling the specific function.
  • If we want to make changes in the operation, it can be done easily by changing specific part of the function without disturbing rest of the program.
  • There is no general rule defining which operations must be handled by an ADT. Its completely up to the designers view.
  • Hence error handling and tie breaking can be easily handled by the programmer who designed.
Basic ADTs Most Used:
  • List ADT
  • Stack ADT
  • Queue ADT 
List ADT:
  • A list is a dynamic tuple of homogeneous elements with size n:
  • The position of element Ak is 'k'.Here the positions ranges from 0 to N-1.
  • We can also have empty list with size zero.
  • Operations performed: insert list, delete list, find kth element, find position of Ak, Print list, empty list.
  • Implementations: 1. Array implementation of list,
                                 2. Linked list implementation of list.
  • Applications: 1. Polynomial ADT,
                           2. Radix sort
Stack ADT:
  •  Stack is a list where insertion and deletion takes place only at one end called Top.
  • Basic idea behind stack is LIFO- Last In First Out . Hence stack lists are also called as LIFO lists.
  • Operations Performed:
    1. Push - inserting an element
    2. Pop- deleting an element
    3. Top- returning an element to the top of the stack.
    4. Empty- make the stack empty.
  • Implementations: 1. Array implementation of stack,
                                 2. Linked list implementation of stack.
  •  Applications: 1. Balancing Symbols
                            2. Postfix expressions, infix to postfix convertions
                            3. Function calls.
Queue ADT:
  • Queue is a list where insertion takes place at one end and deletion takes place at the other end.
  • Inserting end is rear and deleting end is front.
  • Basic idea behind stack is FIFO- First In First Out . Hence queue lists are also called as FIFO lists.
  • Operations Performed:
    1. Enqueue: Insertion
    2. Dequeue: Deletion
    3. Create Queue
    4, Dispose Queue
  • Implementations: Array implementation.
  • Applications: Graph theory.
Thus these are about What is Abstract Data Type? and the basic ADTs. We will see in detail about these ADTs in future posts.
Here is a Question for you....
           Is Linked list an ADT or is it a Data Structure??????????
Think over.....  For Answer search in my next post List ADT.

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